Foundations in Craniosacral Biodynamics Vol.2

The Sentient Embryo, Tissue Intelligence, and Trauma Resolution
Foundations in Craniosacral Biodynamics Vol.2
Foundations in Craniosacral Therapy, Volume Two expands on the work described in the previous volume, starting with an overview of a biodynamic approach to craniosacral therapy, which emphasizes the suspensory nature of the human system. Here we review and deepen our understanding of the “three bodies”—the physical, fluid, and tidal bodies. We also review and expand upon the suspensory nature of the holistic shift—the physical body suspended in the fluid body, in turn suspended in the tidal body—within the context of the inherent treatment plan.
The following chapters of the book orient to our earliest life experiences—the embryonic period and the pre- and perinatal experience—with chapters devoted to birth, birth dynamics, and craniosacral approaches oriented both to birth trauma and to the tissue patterns it generates. Here we orient to the prenate and birthing infant as a sentient being having and responding to life experience. Further chapters orient to the primal/notochord midline and the tissue structures that form around it. We explore the dynamics of the pelvis, vertebral axis, cranial base, face and hard palate. Volume Two finishes with four important chapters on the neurophysiology of stress and trauma and related craniosacral and verbal skills. All chapters include appropriate biodynamic approaches to traumatization and CNS activation.
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